Recipe Name – Voter-Ne Fool-Che (How to cook a fool voter) | Recipe Origin Country – INDIA |

Hello My Dear Indians,

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Today we will talk about how to cook an International recipe which is tasted and cooked by many countries through-out our green, nature loving and peaceful world, VOTERne FOOLche. 

Origin Country – India

History :

Voterne Foolche was first cooked and served in India during the first general elections held in 1951-1952 by a group of Honest, Dedicated and Patriotic Indian Politicians. After a huge successful response it never looked back and continued to served to Indians, the most anti corruption people in the world. This amazing dish soon spread its legs to many more countries and got a fabulous acceptance also. Many political leaders have earned an infinite amount of dignity, respect and money from their voters by serving Voterne Foolche to them. The ways of cooking this recipe has been evolved with time, here are the ways to cook it today……..:

Ingredients to cook Voterne Foolche :

  1. Countless kilos of Money oil.
  2. Few grams of condiments like MBAians, Ad-Gurus, Marketing specialists, Social Media Guys and a Printing press is must.
  3. Use different Media sauces to make it spicy and delicious.
  4. You will also need few bottles of shithead morons like a cherry on the cake to only show off about the fake developments with fake alien promises about transformation of the state like Hansika Motwani.
  5. One packet of illogical but wanna be intellectual spokesperson also should be in your stock to compliment with many shocking and amazing facts about the party and its leader, facts like sunny leone is a virgin.
  6. And thousands of blame beans.

How to cook Voterne Foolche :

Step 1- Put your political kadhai on the election commission stove and flame it with democracy, Heat it to a certain extent (Note- extra heat can disqualify the whole kadhai). After that use plenty of money oil and leave it for sometime.

Step 2- Now add MBAians, Ad-Gurus, Marketing chilies, social media jeera according to your need. After mixing it all add a printing press to the blend, remember printing press is the only condiment which is suitable for all voters. (Note- make sure that the money oil reaches all the condiments well).

Step 3- Now use few media sauces (Choose the brand wisely- you can buy from a range of brands) to make the blend spicy yet delicious. Always remember that you also put few grams of morons along with the media sauces at the same time or else media sauces can harm the dish.

Step 4- Mix everything with a spokesperson spoon, which has a larger mouth but smallest tail. The more you mix the more it will enhance the taste and can look attractive to your voters. (Packaging is everything).

Step 5- When everything is mixed in a proper ratio, use the blame beans to spread hatred smell to the opposition chefs for sometime, till than you can relax and wait for the dish to complete. (Note- Do not forget to cover the kadhai with fake secular steel)

Final Step- When your dish is ready, serve it on an avatar tray (Note- The face on the tray should look like an avatar which is here to protect his voters from themselves). Now you can pack it with unemployed and uneducated papers to make it look fabulous.

Note- If anything goes wrong or any condiment fails please try the master condiment which is sympathy India. It is available on 1.25 billion shops across the country.

Things to be taken care- Never use any honest spices, it can harm your dish and kadhai. If any chefs from the supreme kitchen arrives, always pretend like you are the most targeted, talented, honest and lovable chef in the history (For this you will need some fulsome onions ready always)


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